Just a brief update to inform you all that we are proceeding with our plans to prepare the pool for the modified season! We will begin filling the pool on Friday, June 5th. This process will take a number of days, and then it will take several more days to get the water up to temperature and the chemistry balanced. If all goes according to plan, we are still targeting Saturday, June 20th as our opening day for summer 2020.
Based on the feedback we have received on the preliminary Stage One Opening Plan that we shared with you last week, we are in the process of making a few modifications and will share the updates with you as soon as it has been finalized. We are also working diligently to develop a sign-up process that will be as fair and equitable as possible. We will be operating under new restrictions and with limited occupancy allowances so as to ensure the safety and well-being of our members and staff when they are at the pool. We are excited to see everyone in a safe and socially distanced kind of way! The HFSC Board of Directors
Authors: The HFSC Board of DirectorsWe are a group of 9 very committed HFSC members who volunteer our time to help make our swim community the best around. We have created this page to do our best to keep our members informed of the ever-changing situation as relates to the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affects our pool. Archives |